Thursday, September 2, 2010

Regata Storica - Venice / Italy

Regata Storica
The Regata Storica
5th of September
Venice / Italy

When you think of Venice than you get in mind water , History, Canals and Festivals. The Regata Storica is another spectacular event which is held anually on the Grand Canal on the 5th of September. The event starts with a magnificent historical procession consisting of splendid, elaborately carved boats complete with hundreds of hand made figures in gorgeous brocade costumes. 
Grand Canal / Venice

The origin of the Regata Storica goes back to  the second half of the 13th Century. Giovanni Soranzo, (was a Venetian statesman who served as the fiftieth Doge of Venice and he ascended to the position on July 13, 1312, and served until his death. decided) at those time to celebrate the magnificence of the city with a water parade. This event had been held when a foreign prince came to Venice or for the election of a Doge or a new Pope.The Regata Storica is the main and most important regatta of the year but any island of the lagoon has its own regatta.


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