Saturday, August 14, 2010

Palio di Siena "Horse Race" - Siena / Italy 16th August

The 17 Contradas
One of the famous manifestations of Italy is "il Palio di Siena" a traditional horse race which is held at" Piazza del Campo". It takes place each year twice on July 2 nd and August 16th. The race is to celebrate the miraculous apparition of the Virgin Mary near the historical buildings that belonged to Provenzano Salvani. Therefore, Palio was run the first time on August 16, 1656  to the honour of the "Madonna di Provenzano". In 1701 in honour of the "Madonna dell'Assunta" which was the Patroness and Advocate of Siena. She protected the Sienese militia at the famous battle of Monteaperti on September 4, 1260, against the Florentines.

The Palio is a historical tradition connected with the origin of the Contradas of Siena (districts into which the town is divided). The Contradas are institutions having their own government, oratory, coat of arms, sometimes titles of nobility, emblems and colours, patron Saints, territories and population which consist of all those people who were born or live within the delimited territory of the district.
There were about 59 "Contrada"; now only 17 remain, 10 of which take part in the historical pageant and in the race at each Palio. In the picture (above) "contrades" you can see their names and emblems.

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