Sunday, August 8, 2010

Why Traveling to Europe ?

Arc Triompe - Paris
Europe is a common destination for college grads or upper-middle yuppies to go there for a certain of time , especially to destinations like UK, France or Italy which are filling their dreams. Everybody is dreaming to Fall in Love in Paris, going to Casinos in Monaco or having the desire to feel the ancient history while walking through the streets of Rome. Everybody should have seen Europe at least one time.
Here are several reasons that might get you interested enough to travel there :

1 - It is the 6th largest continent and more than 800 million people are living in 45 countries. Almost all of these countries had their influence in forming the worlds history like no other cultural region. Colonialism and developments in technology has given them power and between the 17th and 20th centuries European countries controlled , most of Africa, several times the Americas and large parts of Asia
Last Supper - Da Vinci 1495
2 - Europe is the cradle of Art and has an impressive amount of historical places and monuments, museums, galleries and exhibitions which you can find in almost all major cities. You can see many examples of any kind of art of any field in original.
You will feel yourself in beetween the history as an living person belonging to that particular place, century and happening.

3. If you have ancestors from Europe, than this is the possibility to get an idea where you come from. It will for sure help you to understand better yourself and you will have the knowlodge of your family tree.

4. You will have the chance to travel through many countries for a certain of time. You do not need to travel for a month or more. With only one or two weeks you will be able to travel to the most important countries and cities.

Prosciutto & Mozzarella
5. You can discover culinary delights during your travels through the countries. You can taste all the famous dishes you know from your country but in original and in place.

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